News Archive
Note: The Center for Research on Parallel Computation ceased operation
in 2000. These pages are retained for archival purposes only.
2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992
- Rice University Receives Minority Graduate Education Grant
Source: Online: News about the NPACI and SDSC Community, November 11, 1998
- CRPC to Exhibit Research Developments, Education Programs at SC98
Source: HPCWire, November 6, 1998
- Ken Kennedy Testifies before the House Subcommittee on Basic Research
Source: Dr. Ken Kennedy, October 6, 1998
- CRPC Featured in Houston Chronicle 'Careers in Computers' Section
Source: Houston Chronicle, October 4, 1998
- EOT-PACI Co-chair Richard Tapia Provides Keynote Speech at White House Ceremony for Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring
Source: Online: News about the NPACI and SDSC Community, September 16, 1998
- PITAC Report Calls for Major Increase in R&D Funding; President Clinton Supports
Source: Educause Online, August 28, 1998
- Why the Pace Has To Pick Up
Source: Business Week, August 24-31, 1998
- Report to White House on HPC Programs Rings Familiar Bells
Source: HPCwire, August 21, 1998
- Excerpts from C2SDS Newsletter
Source: C2SDS Newsletter, August 10, 1998 (Vol III, No. 6)
- New York Times Reports Presidential Advisory Committee to Call for Boost in Computer Research Spending
Source: Online: News about the NPACI and SDSC Community, August 5, 1998
- University of Wisconsin LEAD Center Evaluates CRPC SaS Program
Source: The LEAD Center, July,1998
- Panel Will Urge Major Spending for Computer Research
Source: New York Times, July 27, 1998
- Shorter, More Efficient Circuits, Networks
Source: Microelectronics Technology Alert, July 24, 1998
- Houston-area K-12 Teachers Attend "Summer School" at Rice University
Source: Online: News about the NPACI and SDSC Community, July 22, 1998
- The math and science of encouragement
Source: Houston Sun, July 20, 1998
- Science, math conference
Source: Houston Chronicle, July 12, 1998
- Clear writing gets attention up high
Source: Houston Chronicle, July 12, 1998
- Rice and University of Houston Sponsored Conferences Encourage Minority Participation in Science and Math
Source: Online: News about the NPACI and SDSC Community, July 8, 1998
- 2000 Questions: What's Next After Affirmative Action Dies?
Source: Hispanic Engineer and Information Technology, June/July 1998
- New Strategies Needed to Challenge Anti-Affirmative Action
Source: Hispanic Engineer and Information Technology, June/July 1998
- Record traveling salesman solution -- New heuristic approach to classic linear programming problem yields big dividend
Source: TechWeb, June 29, 1998
- You can get there from here
Source: Houston Chronicle, June 28, 1998
- Researchers Forge New Optimal Path for Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
Source: Rice News, June 25, 1998
- Rice University plans minority conferences
Source: Houston Chronicle, June 15, 1998
- Salesman's world tour
Source: London Financial Times, June 11, 1998
- Conferences To Encourage Minority Participation in Science, Math
Source: Access, June 11, 1998
- Rice II Meeting: Visions and Roadmaps
Source: Aeronautics Systems Center / Major Shared Resource Center (ASC MSRC) Journal, Spring 1998
- Researchers Forge Optimal Path For Traveling Salesman Problem
Source: HPCwire, June 5, 1998
- Tapia to Address UCLA Students (scroll down after article loads)
Source: Rice News, May 28, 1998
- Richard Tapia to Serve as Role Model for Oklahoma Summer Academies
Summer 1998
- A High-Tech Career Of Her Own
Source: TechWeb, April 22, 1998
- Argonne-USC Researchers Win GII Next Generation Award For Advanced Computing Infrastructure
April 20, 1998
- Programs to Focus on Minorities
Source: Rice News, April 16, 1998
- NCSA Takes Active Role in Internet2 Development
Source: HPCwire, April 10, 1998
- Expanding the Pipeline for Minorities and Women into the Computational Science Community
Source: NPACI & SDSC Envision, April-June 1998
- Running Simulations with the Best Codes on the Best Machines for the Job
Source: NPACI & SDSC Envision, April-June 1998
- Active Data Repository Accelerates Access to Large Data Sets
Source: NPACI & SDSC Envision, April-June 1998
- Where Oil and Water Mix: Petroleum Recovery and Pollution Remediation
Source: NPACI & SDSC Envision, April-June 1998
- Beyond 'Big Iron' in Supercomputing
Source: Science Magazine, March 27, 1998
- CRPC Sites Connect to National High-Speed Network
Source: Parallel Computing Research, Winter 1998
Reprinted in: HPCwire, March 27, 1998
- Military Gets Main Use of Big Computers
Source: New York Times, March 23, 1998
- Another Star From the Lone Star State: Cynthia Lanius Joins Rice University CRPC as Associate Director, Education Outreach and Training
Source: Online: News about the NPACI and SDSC Community, March 18, 1998
- NPACI Partner Rice University Hosts NSF KDI Workshop
Source: Online: News about the NPACI and SDSC Community, March 18, 1998
- Java Workshop Explores Applications in High-Performance Network Computing
Source: Parallel Computing Research, Winter 1998
- CITI: A Good Year
Source: Rice News, March 12, 1998
- Best of the Best: Top Hispanics in Technology (excerpt featuring Richard Tapia)
Source: Hispanic Engineer and Information Technology, February/March 1998
- Clinton Announces NSF Grant to Drexel Univ for vBNS
Source: HPCWire, March 6, 1998
- Tapia Accepts AAAS Award, Participates in Panel at Meeting
Source: Rice News, February 26, 1998
- Women's Center Celebrates 2 Years of Operation: IMPACT Award Winners Announced
Source: Rice News, February 26, 1998
- "Fun With Fractals" by Cynthia Lanius
Source: The Why Files & Cynthia Lanius
- "A Fractals Lesson" by Cynthia Lanius
Source: Cynthia Lanius, 1998
- Cynthia Lanius, CRPC Manager, K-12 Programs wins Rice Women's Resource Center IMPACT Award
February 12, 1998
- Are Girls Being Shortchanged?
Source: Parade, February 8, 1998
- Recruitment Initiative Sees Progress
Source: Rice News, January 22, 1998
- Richard Tapia Receives 1997 AAAS Lifetime Mentor Award
Source: Access, January 13, 1998
- Tomorrow's Internet Under Construction Now
Source: Current Technology, January, 1998
- Two Southern California Universities Named CRPC Affiliated Sites
Parallel Computing Research Volume 6, Issue 3, Fall 1998
- CRPC Researchers Solve Traveling Salesman Problem for Record-Breaking 13,509 Cities
Parallel Computing Research Volume 6, Issue 2, Spring/Summer 1998
- Optimization: An essential tool for decision support
Featured in: Optima - Mathematical Programming Society Newsletter, December 1997
- "Mathematics of Cartography" by Cynthia Lanius
Source: Cynthia Lanius, 1997
- A Nationwide Parallel Computing Environment
Source: Communications of the ACM, November 1997
- Next Generation Internet is Developing Quickly
Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, November 19, 1997
- Immigrant parents join campaign against bilingual education
Source: Newark Sunday Star-Ledger, November 16, 1997
- Richard Tapia Receives AAAS Lifetime Mentor Award
Source: Rice News, November 13, 1997
- Rice Provides K-12 Student, Teacher Outreach
Source: Rice News, November 9, 1997
- MSU professor appointed to national computing panel
Source: Jackson (MS) Clarion-Ledger, November 1, 1997
- SC97 Education Program: The Role of Technology in Life-long Learning
Source: HPCwire, October 31, 1997
- Tapia to Speak on Diversity of U.S. Hispanics
Source: Rice News, October 30, 1997
- Tapia Talk to Focus on Hispanic Diversity
Source: Rice News, October 16, 1997
- Hispanic Hall of Fame Inducts Rice Members
Source: Rice News, October 16, 1997
- Life After HP/Convex: an Interview with Steve Wallach, Part II
Source: HPCwire, October 10, 1997
- Houston colleges help build faster Internet
Source: Houston News Today, October 9, 1997
- SACNAS Conference includes CRPC and Rice Representatives, Exhibit
SACNAS Conference, Houston, Texas, October 9-12, 1997
- Life After HP/Convex: an Interview with Steve Wallach, Part I
Source: HPCwire, October 3, 1997
- Helping Girls Move into Technology Careers
Source: Hispanic Engineer and Information Technology, September/October 1997
- The Case for a Next Generation Internet
Source: Computers in Physics, September/October 1997
- Tapia Delivers White House Symposium Address
September 25, 1999
- Engineers at UT win back-to-back educator awards
Source: Austin American Statesman, September 23, 1997
- Universities usher in next-generation Internet
Source: USA Today, September 2, 1997
- Teachers Learn to Surf the 'Net
Source: Rice News, August 28, 1997
- Even in virtual reality, it is still a man's world
Source: Chicago Tribune, August 24, 1997
- What Went Wrong at the Rice School?
Source: Houston Press, August 21-27, 1997
- The Web is big in Texas
Source: Yahoo News, August 14, 1997
- Internet: The Sequel
Source: Techweb News, August 8, 1997
- Theresa Chatman Recognized for Commitment to CRPC
Source: Rice News, July 31, 1997
- Bandwidth Buster: Rice professor leads triumvirate of Houston universities into uncharted cyberspace
Source: Houston City News, July 30, 1997
- Question of expectations: Many parents riled after Rice School's supervisory team removed
Source: Houston Chronicle, June 29, 1997
- 3 Klein staff members to attend GirlTECH training
Source: Houston Chronicle, July 27, 1997
- Navigating the net
Source: Houston Chronicle, June 26, 1997
- Girl Games on Computers, Where Shoot'em Up Simply Won't Do
Source: The New York Times, June 23, 1997
- Ken Kennedy To Be Featured in Supercomputing Conference
Source: HPCwire, June 20, 1997
- Faster, Faster - Rice Prof Leads the Way in High Performance Computiung
Source: Public News, June 18, 1997
- A Networking Plan for the Rich States?
Source: Science Magazine, June 13, 1997
- Caltech Installs HP Exemplar Technical Server
Source: HPCwire, June 13, 1997
- HPCwire Interviews Paul Messina about Caltech's New HP Exemplar
Source: HPCwire, June 13, 1997
- Internet Upgrade Hits Budget And Political Obstacles
Source: TechWeb News, June 6, 1997
- Her Turn: Women-owned software firms are challenging the male-dominated market with competitive fantasy-based games for girls.
Source: Los Angeles Times, June 6, 1997
- Rice Offers Twenty Houston Teachers State-of-the-Art Computer Training
Source: GirlTECH Web Page, June 3, 1997
- Move Over Internet: Universities plan second lane on Information Superhighway
Source: Houston Business Journal, May 30, 1997
- Internet 2 Project
Source: Rice Computing News, Vol. XXIX No.1, Spring 1997
- Lanier Science Teacher Returns to Scotland for Science Festival
Source: Village News, April 22, 1997
- Workshop Leaders Hope to Inspire Girls to Pursue Careers in Science
Source: Houston Chronicle, April 5, 1997
- Jack Dongarra's Netsolve Aims to Create Virtual SW Library
Source: HPCwire, April 4, 1997
- NSF Announces New Computer Partnerships
Source: HPCwire, March 28, 1997
- Gramm an Advocate of Research
Source: Rice News, March 20, 1997
- Bixby Inducted Into Academy of Engineering
Source: Rice News, March 13, 1997
- Fulfilling the Need for Speed
Source: Houston Chronicle, March 9, 1997
- Career Options Program Shows Girls Opportunities in Math-, Science-Related Fields
Source: Houston Chronicle, March 8, 1997
- Smarter, Faster Internet II Sits on Front Burner
Source: Houston Chronicle, March 8, 1997
- Panel Hopes to Splice Pieces Of U.S. Research Network
Source: Science Magazine, March 7, 1997
- Ken Kennedy and the CRPC
Source: Science Magazine, March 7, 1997
- Next Generation Internet Agenda Dominates Clinton's HPCC Advisory Council Meeting
Source: HPCC Week, March 6, 1997
- U. of Tennessee Creates Evaluation/Benchmarking Website
Source: HPCwire, March 3, 1997
- Building a Reputation -- Rice Dedicates Duncan Hall
Source: Sallyport, Winter 1997
- Clinton Names a Committee to Advise Federal Agencies About the Internet
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 28, 1997
- The HPCC Advisory Committee: an Interview with Ken Kennedy
Source: HPCwire, February 28, 1997
- Hpcc Advisory Committee Holds Two-day Meeting To Discuss Goals And Future Activities
Source: Farnet, February 28, 1997
- Clinton Names Rice Computer Scientist to National Advisory Committee
Source: Houston Business Journal, February 24, 1997
- UT Scientists Vie to be Weavers of the Next Internet
Source: Austin American-Statesman, February 24, 1997
- Kennedy to Co-Chair Federal Panel
Source: Rice News, February 20, 1997
- Professor to head panel (scroll down after article loads)
Source: Houston Chronicle, February 15, 1997
- Pres. Clinton Names Co-Chair, Members of HPCC Committee
Source: HPCwire, February 14, 1997
Source: Quadnet, February 13, 1997
- V.P. Conspicuously Absent As HPCC Committee Unveiled
Source: High Performance Computing and Communications Week, February 13, 1997
- Opportunities open to Spend a Summer with a Scientist
Source: Rice Thresher, February 7, 1997
- Multiple National Honors for Tapia
Source: Siam News, January/February 1997
- PPI Project Strives to Advance Metacomputing
Source: HPCwire, January 31, 1997
- PGI'S Doug Miles Comments on the State of HPF
Source: HPCwire, January 24, 1997
- Q&A with Ken Kennedy
Source: The Schatz Report on High Performance Computing January 22,1997
- Rice People In the News (Richard Tapia)
Source: Rice News, January 16, 1997
- New Tool Provides Accurate Derivatives for Multidisciplinary Applications
Source: NAS News, January 16, 1997
- Beyond pink computers: Getting girls interested in the Internet
Source: NetGuide Live, January 7, 1997
- Anne and Charles Duncan Hall Dedicated
Source: High Endeavor, Volume 2, Issue 1
- Richard Tapia Wins 1996 Hispanic Engineer of the Year
Source: Hispanic Engineer and Information Technology, Conference 1996
- GirlTECH Link Added to CRA-W site
Source: SDSC, 1996
- Jack Dongarra Notes Views on Proprietary Benchmarks in NSF Bids
Source: HPCwire, December 13, 1996
- UT unveils the fastest computer in Texas
Source: Austin American Statesman, November 15, 1996
- Rice's newcomer: New Computational Engineering Building adds splashes of color to university campus
Source: Houston Chronicle, October 31, 1996
- Clinton Taps Rice Prof
Source: Houston Chronicle, October 11, 1996
- Hard Science
Source: Corpus Christi Caller Times, October 3, 1996
- West U. Elementary Teacher Honored by National Group
Source: The Village News, October 1, 1996
- Tapia Honored by Clinton
Source: The Rice Thresher, September 20, 1996
- Pilot Study Teaches NSF Costly Lesson
Source: Science magazine, September 6, 1996
- Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring
Source: A Report to the Congress: Science and Technology Shaping the Twenty-First Century (Award Given September 1996)
- Universities Link Up for Computer Simulations
Source: Austin American-Statesman, August 25, 1996
- Teachers Learn Ways to Inspire Students to Study Math
Source: Rice News, August 22, 1996
- Panel Backs S&T Centers Program
Source: Science magazine, August 16, 1996
- CRPC Integrates Distributed Computing with Web Technologies
Source: HPCwire, June 21, 1996
- Computers Aren't Just a Boy's Game
Source: The Morning Call, Allentown, PA, June 8, 1996
- Girls Expand Horizons in Math and Science
Source: Houston Chronicle, April 25, 1996
- By the Numbers- It All Adds Up for Math Prof Richard Tapia
Source: Houston Chronicle, April 25, 1996
- Tapia Featured in PBS 'Breakthrough'; Segment to Air April 22
Source: Rice News, April 18, 1996
- Girls' Preferences in Software Design: Insights From a Focus Group
Source: Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal, April, 1996
- Where the Girls Aren't--Yet
Source: Contra Costa Times, March 31, 1996
- Drawing Girls Into the Net
Source: Newsday, February 20, 1996
- Government Shutdown Affects Sciences
Source: Rice News, Volume 5, Number 20, January 18, 1996
- Success Stories: People Who've "Made It": Richard Tapia
Source: Planning Job Sources: 1996
- Rice Scientist Earns Wilkinson Prize
Source: Rice News, August 20, 1995
- APR Announces Shareware Distribution of Forgex Fortran Code Browser
Source: APR FORGEX Press Release, Aug 7, 1995
- GirlTECH Aims to Attract Girls to Math, Science Field
Source: Rice News, July 27, 1995
- Parallel Program Archetypes Domain-Specific Tools
Source: HPCwire, May 26, 1995
- Internet's Next Stop
Source: USA Today, May 11, 1995
- Rice Offers Variety of Summer Opportunities
Source: Rice News, May 4, 1995
- Success on Seuss Drive
Source: Sallyport, Summer 1995
- CRPC to Help "Retool" HPC Users for Parallelism
Source: HPCwire, Apr 14, 1995
- High Performance Fortran Forum Gains Wide Recognition
Source: HPCwire, April 14, 1995
- Digital Debuts High Performance Fortran/Parallel Computing Tool
Source: HPCwire, Mar 17, 1995
- Parallel Computing: What We Did Wrong and What We Did Right
Source: HPCwire, Mar 17, 1995
- ACM Inducts Ken Kennedy as Distinguished Contributor
Source: HPCwire, Mar 10, 1995
- Hispanic Group Honors Tapia
Source: Rice News, August 25, 1994
- The Rice School/La Escuela Rice Offers Students Unique Education
Source: Rice News, August 25, 1994
- National Software Exchange Created for HPCC Community
Source: HPCwire, Aug 19, 1994
- Research Focus -- Applications: Geosciences Parallel Computation Project
Source: HPCwire, July 8, 1994
- Leading HPC Figures Consider Petaflops Computing Feature
Source: HPCwire, Jul 1, 1994
- The Transition to a National Information Infrastructure
Source: HPCwire, April 22, 1994
- Issues and Answers/Women in Science: Mary Wheeler
Source: Rice News, March 10, 1994
- Parallel Profile: Andrew White
Source: HPCwire, Feb 18, 1994
- Parkbench Committee Releases Parallel Benchmarks
Source: HPCwire, Jan 21, 1994
- Dan Meiron: Caltech Executive Officer of Applied Mathematics
Source: HPCwire, Dec 3, 1993
- CRPC's Differential Equations Group Seeks Parallel Solutions
Source: HPCwire, Dec 3, 1993
- "I Must Help"
Source: Sallyport, October/November 1993
- Parallel Computation: Practice, Perspectives and Potential (Workshops)
Source: HPCwire, Oct 15, 1993
- Concurrent Solver for Euler Equations on the Intel Delta
Source: HPCwire, Oct 15, 1993
- How to Get the High-Performance Fortran Specification
Source: HPCwire, Jul 23, 1993