Volume 7, Issue 1 -
Spring/Summer 1999
Volume 6, Issue 3
Fall 1998
Volume 6, Issue 2
Spring/Summer 1998
Volume 6, Issue 1
Winter 1998
5, Issue 4
Fall 1997
5, Issue 3
Summer 1997
5, Issue 2
Spring 1997
5, Issue 1
Winter 1997
4, Issue 4
Fall 1996
4, Issue 3
Summer 1996
4, Issue 2
Spring 1996
4, Issue 1
Winter 1996
3, Issue 4
Fall 1995
3, Issue 3
Summer 1995
3, Issue 2
Spring 1995
3, Issue 1
January 1995
2, Issue 4
October 1994
2, Issue 3
July 1994
2, Issue 2
April 1994
2, Issue 1
January 1994
Volume 1, Issue 4
October 1993
1, Issue 3
July 1993
1, Issue 2
April 1993
1, Issue 1
January 1993
Paul Messina
Director, Caltech Concurrent Supercomputing Facilities and Assistant
Vice President for Scientific Computing, Caltech;
Manager of High Performance Computing, Jet Propulsion laboratory
Paul Messina's major interests are system architectural issues in
concurrent computing, distributed computing over wide-area networks, and
performance measurement of parallel programs. Recent efforts include
characterizing data movement patterns in parallel applications and
organizing the Concurrent Supercomputing Consortium (CSCC), the nation's
first concurrent computing consortium with members from academia,
government, and industry.
Messina came to Caltech after serving as Director of Argonne National
Laboratory's Mathematics and Computer Science Division during the
1980s, where he initiated a number of projects in parallel computing
and created the Advanced Computing Research Facility. As the Assistant
Vice President for Scientific Computing at Caltech, Messina is
responsible for creating, directing, and overseeing large-scale
computational projects and various high-performance computing
activities, with special emphasis on stimulating multidisciplinary
activities in computational science and engineering.
As the Director of the Caltech Concurrent Supercomputing Facilities
(CCSF), he manages and coordinates large-scale concurrent computer
facilities, and a computational science research group. Major systems at
CCSF during the past seven years have included a 512-node Intel Paragon
XP/S, a 56-node Paragon Model A4 system, the 570-node Intel Touchstone
Delta, a 512-node nCUBE, a 192-node Symult S2010 multicomputer, an Intel
iPSC/860 64-node system, a Meiko Computing surface with 32 T800
transputers, several Caltech/JPL-created hypercubes, and a Thinking
Machines CM 2 with 16K processors.
Messina conceived the idea for CSCC in November 1990, oversaw its
creation, and arranged for the purchase of the Intel Touchstone Delta
System, which was at the time of its installation in May 1991 the most
powerful parallel computer in the world in terms of peak performance,
memory size, and performance on popular benchmark programs. He is also
responsible for setting technical directions for the CSCC and for
operation of the advanced systems purchased by the CSCC, all of which
are located at Caltech.
Messina currently leads two multi-institution research projects. Since
its inception in 1989, he has been project manager for the CASA gigabit
network testbed, which has been exploring the use of distributed
supercomputing environments created by very high-speed networks for
scientific and engineering applications. More recently, he was one of
the key people who formulated the Scalable I/O Initiative (SIO) and is
a principal investigator for the SIO grant (see related article).
In 1992, he received the Federal Computer Week's "Federal 100 Award" for
spearheading the acquisition of the Intel Delta and overcoming politics
and interagency rivalries in creating the CSCC (see the January 1993
issue of Parallel Computing Research). He is an associate editor of
Concurrency: Practice and Experience and is a member of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, Association for Computing Machinery, IEEE Computer
Society, and Sigma Xi. He is currently the program chair of the Second
Pasadena Workshop on Systems Software and Tools for High Performance
Computing Environments, which will take place in Pasadena, CA in 1995.
Table of Contents