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Curiosity finds a playing alliances made...barriers broken...

"I was introduced to a vast amount of technology, met valuable peer models, and gained experience in public presentations. More importantly, I learned how valuable it is to continue my education and to enter a graduate school program in the near future."

-Jeremy Lemuel Griffin, Spend a Summer with a Scientist Participant, Rice University

CRPC sites are active in designing and implementing new courses and academic programs in parallel computation. Argonne National Laboratory, Caltech (shown here), Rice University, Syracuse University, the University of Maryland, the University of Tennessee, and the University of Texas have developed a variety of parallel programming courses. Rice University, Syracuse University, and the University of Tennessee offer computational science and engineering programs for graduate students. All CRPC sites foster the publication and dissemination of educational materials and software on an ongoing basis.

Initiated and supported by Argonne National Laboratory, the South-Central Computational Science in Minority Institutions Consortium (SC-COSMIC) was formally established by the CRPC and the University of Houston-Downtown to create a virtual electronic educational community among kindergarten through graduate students, faculty, administrators, researchers, and industrial associates. Jeremy Griffin (left), a student from SC-COSMIC minority institution Prairie View A&M, works with CRPC researcher Gil Hansen during the "Spend a Summer with a Scientist" program at Rice University. Rice is an educational affiliate of the SC-COSMIC.

The CRPC and Rice University are working with Girl Games, Inc. to determine which computer games appeal to girls and why. Girl Games President and CEO Laura Groppe and students research games as part of a formative study. The results will later be used to develop a commercial prototype game that is tailor-made for girls.

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