1996 Outstanding Rice Women Awards


CRPC Executive Director Linda Torczon was recently honored at the February 9 grand opening of Rice University's Womens Resource Center, established to serve as a central location for groups on campus with an interest in women's issues. An alumna of Rice University, Torczon was selected as one of 16 Outstanding Rice Women for her demonstrated service to the campus and the community and for being a role model to university women. Her nomination cites her leadership roles in the CRPC Women's Programs and the Rice Women in Computing student organization.

Also honored were Rice University undergraduates Sara Carlstead and Melissa Chaika, who have both been actively involved in CRPC Women's Programs. Carlstead, a junior double majoring in computer science and the study of women and gender, works part time at the CRPC as a technical assistant, developing the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Web site. As her nomination states, she has also presented at CRPC GirlTECH '95 and the 1995 Expanding Your Horizons in Math and Science Conference.

Chaika is a graduating senior double majoring in sociology and policy studies. Her nomination highlights her contributions to the Rice community, including her role in the CRPC-supported Girl Games summer research project.

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Updated by Debbie Campbell ( and the CRPC Web Support Team
Posted February 13, 1996.