Linda Torczon's Rice Women's Resource Center Nomination


As a Rice University alumna with degrees in Computer Science and Chemical Engineering, Linda Torczon is a powerful role model to young women pursuing careers in non-traditional fields. Her participation in student activities at Rice University includes her service as

As Executive Director of the Center for Research on Parallel Computation (CRPC), a National Science Foundation-funded Science and Technology Center headquartered at Rice University, Linda has worked to raise the community's awareness of both her profession and gender equity issues. In specific, Finally, as an educated professional woman with an active family life that includes a husband and two children, Linda is proof to the women and men who work around her that women can successfully have both a family and a career. It is my pleasure to nominate Linda for this award.

[CRPC Outstanding Rice Women Awards Page - CRPC Home Page - Search the CRPC Web Site]


Updated by Debbie Campbell ( and the CRPC Web Support Team
Posted February 12, 1996.